15th October 2024: 4th International Bindi and Tilak Day

On October 15th 2024, Hindus across the world mark the 4th International Bindi and Tilak Day, raising awareness of remembrance of the ancient symbols of Hindu identity. The Bindi is a dot traditionally worn on the forehead, representing good fortune and prosperity. For Hindu women, it is a symbol of marriage. The Bindi is marked between the brows which as per yogic philosophy is the center of higher knowledge (Agna Chakra). Hindus also adorn their foreheads with various symbols that reflect their spiritual practices. For example, vertical Tilaks are often worn by devotees of Vishnu, while horizontal marks; Tripundras, are associated with followers of Shiva. 

Though important symbols of Hindu identity and culture, in many parts of the world; including urban India, Hindus wearing these symbols face challenges. Popular media and societal trends have contributed to their decline, leading many Hindus to feel uncomfortable or even ashamed to wear them daily. There have been past incidents where Hindus wearing these symbols faced attack. Between 1975 and 1993, a racist group targeting Hindus/Indians was named ‘Dotbusters’ where the Dot refers to Hindus wearing bindis.

The goal of the day is to restore pride in these symbols and promote their everyday use and not just on special occasions. It seeks to inspire Hindu; especially the youth, to embrace their identity and feel empowered to confidently wear their Bindi, Tilak or Tripundra.Â